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Difference between Dagger and ButterKnife Android

Can anyone point out the difference between Dagger and Butterknife? I know that Butterknife is a view injection library and Dagger is a dependency injection library. But the documentation online seems a bit overhead for me. According to Butterknife documentation, you can do non-activity injections as well, which is what Dagger does? Or did I misunderstand something?


  • ButterKnife is targeted to inject views only. Non-activity injection just means that you can provide your own view root to inject views from (like with manually inflated views, etc.). Dagger is a bit more complicated. It can inject anything you want as long as you specified Module - class which satisfies those dependencies (alternatively you can use constructor injection).

    As a bottom line - I would say ButterKnife helps you to avoid all that boilerplate code for creating views (aka (TextView)findViewById(;. Nothing more. Under the hood it still does all that boring code. So it is not really an injection..

    Also it worth mentioning that Jake Wharton is one of the developers for both those cool libs :)

    Here is some useful links:

    Dagger sample project on GitHub

    Dagger presentation on Devoxx (Jake Wharton)

    Dagger hangout with Dagger devs

    Don't have much of useful ButterKnife links. It really simple and straight forward though, so hopefully you don't need any