It's my first time dealing with SPA, I am starting a cross platform mobile application using Kendo UI, I am using Icenium as my development tool, since I have a large group of views in my application I started putting the contents of the views in different html pages, so I have several html files with the current content only:
<div data-role="view" id="demoView" data-layout="layout">
/* this is put in single file (demoView.html) */
So now when I want to navigate to that view I would use something like
instead of
So I am wondering if it is still a SPA even with the multiple html pages, as in does all the pages load at run-time? And is there any way to check the loaded html. files after the app is loaded?
Assuming that you are using Kendo UI Mobile, then yes, it will still act like a SPA with the built-in routing capabilities of Kendo UI Mobile. The remote views (on your other HTML docs) are still dynamically injected into your base DOM. The other pages/views load on-demand, not when the app is first initialized.