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What's the slice element access complexity in Go?

I thought it to be O(1), but this is from a pprof output:

140    140  176:    var lastSB byte = s[lenSMinusOne]
88     88   177:    var lastSuffixB byte = suffix[lenSuffixMinusOne]

and by average length of s is greater than length of suffix. Thus, this shows that accessing an element takes longer if the slice is bigger?

The function is:

func hasSuffix(s, suffix []byte) bool {

    lenSMinusOne      := len(s)      - 1
    lenSuffixMinusOne := len(suffix) - 1

    var lastSB byte = s[lenSMinusOne]
    var lastSuffixB byte = suffix[lenSuffixMinusOne]

    if lenSMinusOne < lenSuffixMinusOne {
        return false
    } else if lastSB != lastSuffixB {
        return false
    } else {
        for i := 0; i < lenSuffixMinusOne ; i++ {
               if suffix[i] != s[lenSMinusOne-lenSuffixMinusOne+i] {
                        return false
    return true

UPDATE: To reproduce the results install fetch which uses go-porterstemmer fork with a large corpus(I use a 440mb file).


  • pprof collects samples during program execution to illuminate hotspots. Use the testing package and go test to run benchmarks.

    As you should expect, the following benchmark shows that there is no difference between reading the 2nd element of a slice on average and reading the 2691st element of a slice on average, 13439773 ns/op versus 13460864 ns/op for 904,061 byte slice elements. Both benchmarks use the same underlying data arrays. Indexing a slice is O(1).

    In your example, you are reading from two different underlying data arrays with different access patterns (outer versus inner loop). On modern processors, which have sophisticated memory management and optimization, you shouldn't expect the same results.

    $ go version
    go version devel +3ae7a530dd4e Sat Dec 28 09:37:54 2013 -0800 linux/amd64
    $ go test -bench=IndexWord
    904061 2 2690.8131199111563
    testing: warning: no tests to run
    BenchmarkIndexWordLong       100      13460864 ns/op
    BenchmarkIndexWordShort      100      13439773 ns/op
    ok      bench   7.814s


    package main
    import (
    var (
        Words    [][]byte
        ShortLen = 2
    func IndexWord(b *testing.B, words [][]byte) {
        var char byte
        for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
            for _, word := range words {
                char = word[len(word)-1]
        _ = char
    func BenchmarkIndexWordLong(b *testing.B) {
        words := make([][]byte, len(Words))
        for i, word := range Words {
            words[i] = word
        IndexWord(b, words)
    func BenchmarkIndexWordShort(b *testing.B) {
        words := make([][]byte, len(Words))
        for i, word := range Words {
            if len(word) > ShortLen {
                word = word[:ShortLen]
            words[i] = word
        IndexWord(b, words)
    func init() {
        // The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
        text, err := ioutil.ReadFile(`/home/peter/pg100.txt`)
        if err != nil {
        var n, short, long int64
        Words = bytes.Fields(text)
        for i, word := range Words {
            word = bytes.Repeat(word, 600) // Requires 4GB memory
            Words[i] = word
            long += int64(len(word))
            shortLen := ShortLen
            if len(word) < ShortLen {
                shortLen = len(word)
            short += int64(shortLen)
        fmt.Println(n, float64(short)/float64(len(Words)), float64(long)/float64(len(Words)))

    The code for your hasSuffix function looks like a direct port from another language; it doesn't look like it is written for Go. Here's my rewrite.

    func hasSuffix(s, suffix []byte) bool {
        if len(s) < len(suffix) {
            return false
        s = s[len(s)-len(suffix):]
        for i, x := range suffix {
            if x != s[i] {
                return false
        return true

    Also, Go has a bytes.HasSuffix function.

    Package bytes

    func HasSuffix

    func HasSuffix(s, suffix []byte) bool

    HasSuffix tests whether the byte slice s ends with suffix.