I have a MVC 4 view (Razor) that accepts a code sent to a user. They get a number tries to enter it correctly. Each try that is entered wrong they get a validation error "Confirmation Number Incorrect - Please Re-enter" except on the last one, where they exceeded they get a validation error "Too Many Attempts - New Confirmation Number Has Been Sent" then they are immediately redirected to the home page. The problem is there is no delay so the message is never seen.
I really don't want to create another view to post the message with a button to redirect. Is there any way to delay some period of time then redirect the page? Any ideas?
If you are displaying message via ajax you can use this javascript function to redirect with delay:
// display message and ..
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = @Url.Action("Index","Home")
}, 2000)
It will redirect user after two seconds.Also you can take a look to this question: time delayed redirect?