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Laravel Redirect::route() going to wrong url on vhost

I was working on some code today and sent a Redirect::route(). Instead of redirecting to the base_url/route as usual, it duplicated the base_url like this:

I figured I did something wrong, so I went back and tried to isolate the problem. I ended up starting a new project with a new vhost and putting this tiny bit of code in app/routes.php:

        'as' => 'test1',
        function () {
            return Redirect::route('test2');

        'as' => 'test2',
        function () {
            return 'test2hello';

When I open in a browser, instead of just showing "test2hello" it threw and http not found error because was not found. This only happens on Redirect::route(), it works as expected on Redirect::to(). It also only happens on vhosts; Redirect::route() works as expected if I go to localhost/myurl/public/test1. Any ideas?


I was asked for my vhost setup. I am on Mac OSX 10.8.5 and am using the built-in Apache. I've uncommented the httpd-vhosts.conf include line in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. I've added a few vhosts to /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, here's one:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents/example_blog/public"
    ServerName example_blog.local

and the corresponding line in /etc/hosts:   example_blog.local

and restarted Apache. The folder is named example_blog.local.


  • Problem appears to be related to having an underscore in the URL, which does not pass FILTER_VALID_URL:

    (no credit to me for the answer as I'm just tidying up this to help others searching for solutions to this)