I'm using vimdiff to merge a changes from another group's file into our file. Not all changes should be accepted, so I have to do it manually. However, I was wondering if there is a way to tell vimdiff to accept several changes at once. i.e. instead of accepting only the next change, I want to able to accept the next 10 changes at once. Right now I'm using "]c" to jump to the next change and "do" to accept that change. The file is 250000 lines and I'm only at line 5000 ...
Sincerely, Hagai
You can accomplish exactly what you want with macros, in a nutshell:
Now you can use it by typing '@f' in normal mode and it will replay the actions recorded in the macro 'f'. From there you have several options:
There is a nice tutorial here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/01/vi-and-vim-macro-tutorial-how-to-record-and-play/