Have this sample.xml
<Factura xsi:type="FacturaAR">
<TipoNota>Boleta de Ventas y Servicios</TipoNota>
<Cliente>JOHAO SMITH CART</Cliente>
<Direccion>CALLE VITAL DE MELLO</Direccion>
I want to add "Telefono" every time this node is missing, just after "Barrio", so I tried to do in php:
$filename = "sample.xml";
$FacturacionAR = simplexml_load_file($filename,null,true);
function simplexml_insert_after(SimpleXMLElement $sxe, SimpleXMLElement $insert, SimpleXMLElement $target)
$target_dom = dom_import_simplexml($target);
$target_dom->formatOutput = true;
$target_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$insert_dom = $target_dom->ownerDocument->importNode(dom_import_simplexml($insert), true);
if ($target_dom->nextSibling) {
$result = $target_dom->parentNode->insertBefore($insert_dom, $target_dom->nextSibling);
$target_dom->parentNode->insertBefore($target_dom->ownerDocument->createTextNode("\n"), $result);
return $result;
} else {
return $target_dom->parentNode->appendChild($insert_dom);
foreach ($FacturacionAR->Factura as $Factura) {
if (!isset($Factura->Telefono)) {
$meta2 = new SimpleXMLElement("<Telefono/>");
$target = current($FacturacionAR->xpath('//Barrio[last()]'));
simplexml_insert_after($FacturacionLocalizaAR, $meta2, $target);
The expected result is:
But when I run the php script, this error appears:
PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to simplexml_insert_after() must be an instance of SimpleXMLElement, boolean given
Any ideas?
OK. Upgrading to PHP 5.5.3 solved my problem.