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Cordova is not recognized... immediately after installation

I'm stuck with this very frustrating problem while trying to install Apache Cordova. I issue npm install -g cordova in my cmd (Windows 8.1, 64 bits), and everything seems to be fine. But even after the installation when trying to type cordova it is not recognized as a command by the cmd. This is my first question on StackOverflow, so I may have missed something crucial or made a noob mistake. I hope someone out there can help me! :)


cmd session:

C:\Users\James>npm install -g cordova
npm http GET

... bunch of text here ...

C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\npm\cordova -> C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\npm
cordova@3.3.1-0.1.2 C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cordova
├── ncallbacks@1.0.0
├── open@0.0.3
├── semver@1.1.0
├── colors@0.6.2
├── mime@1.2.11
├── q@0.9.7
├── follow-redirects@0.0.3 (underscore@1.5.2)
├── optimist@0.6.0 (wordwrap@0.0.2, minimist@0.0.5)
├── shelljs@0.1.2
├── glob@3.2.7 (inherits@2.0.1, minimatch@0.2.14)
├── lodash@2.4.1
├── elementtree@0.1.5 (sax@0.3.5)
├── tar@0.1.19 (inherits@2.0.1, block-stream@0.0.7, fstream@0.1.25)
├── xcode@0.6.2 (node-uuid@1.3.3, pegjs@0.6.2)
├── prompt@0.2.7 (revalidator@0.1.6, pkginfo@0.3.0, read@1.0.5, utile@0.1.7, win
├── request@2.22.0 (json-stringify-safe@4.0.0, aws-sign@0.3.0, forever-agent@0.5
.0, qs@0.6.6, tunnel-agent@0.3.0, oauth-sign@0.3.0, cookie-jar@0.3.0, node-uuid@
1.4.1, http-signature@0.10.0, hawk@0.13.1, form-data@0.0.8)
├── express@3.0.0 (methods@0.0.1, fresh@0.1.0, range-parser@0.0.4, debug@0.7.4,
cookie@0.0.4, crc@0.2.0, commander@0.6.1, mkdirp@0.3.3, send@0.1.0, connect@2.6.
├── plist@0.4.3 (xmlbuilder@0.4.3, xmldom@0.1.17)
├── ripple-emulator@0.9.18 (connect-xcors@0.5.2, colors@0.6.0-1, accounting@0.3.
2, request@2.12.0, moment@1.7.2, express@3.1.0)
├── npm@1.3.22
├── plugman@0.17.0 (ncallbacks@1.1.0, osenv@0.0.3, bplist-parser@0.0.4, undersco
re@1.4.4, semver@2.0.11, nopt@1.0.10, dep-graph@1.1.0, rc@0.3.0, tar.gz@0.1.1, x
code@0.6.3, npm@1.3.4)
└── jshint@1.1.0 (peakle@0.0.1, cli@0.4.5, underscore@1.4.4, esprima@1.1.0-dev,

'cordova' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'cordova' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.



  • It's likely that C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\npm\ isn't in your path so even though cordova is installed globally (as npm defines it) it isn't working as expected.

    Use the SET command to check the value for your NODE_PATH or PATH. If the npm directory tree isn't listed...that's a problem, but easily fixed.

    If you don't want npm to save to this directory, check the npm configuration options and the npm folders docs to see what you can change in this regard...