With this command :
get-mailbox -identity JSMITH | select ProhibitSendQuota
i get the ProhibitSendQuota for my mailbox JSMITH
I want to add 50 MB to the ProbitiSendQuota with just one powershell command line
I have to use this command
set-mailbox -identity JSMITH -ProhibitSendQuota MyNewQuota
So what is the command to get the actual ProhibitSendQuota and had it 50 Mb ? I think it's something like this but I don't know the exact syntax
get-mailbox -identity JSMITH | set-mailbox -identity $_.name -ProbibitSendQuota {($_.ProbititSendQuota) * 50 * 1024}
Someone have a solution ?
Get-Mailbox -Identity jsmith | foreach{ $_ | Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota ($_.ProhibitSendQuota+50mb)}