I have string in BSTR, and I would like to convert it using W2CA (WideCharToMultiByte):
std::string myMBS = W2CA(myBSTR); // myBSTR is BSTR
But when string is extremely large - it throws exception "StackOverFlowException" on this line.
But when I use this:
std::wstring myWide(myBSTR);
std::string myMBS(myWide.begin(), myWide.end());
I works fine. Could anyone help with this behavior?
UPDATE: With large string I mean string about 10MB.
Look at the actual definition of W2CA
from atlconv.h
#define W2CA(lpw) ((LPCSTR)W2A(lpw))
Now look at the definition of W2A
#define W2A(lpw) (\
((_lpw = lpw) == NULL) ? NULL : (\
(_convert = (lstrlenW(_lpw)+1), \
(_convert>INT_MAX/2) ? NULL : \
ATLW2AHELPER((LPSTR) alloca(_convert*sizeof(WCHAR)), _lpw,
_convert*sizeof(WCHAR), _acp))))
It calls alloca
, which allocates memory on the stack. So naturally if the string is very long, you risk exhausting the available stack space.