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Build failure during 'yesod devel'

I am following the Yesod quick start guide and I am getting errors doing cabal installand yesod devel regarding the persistent-sqlite module. I've already installed ghc-7.4.1 and haskell-platform-2012.2.0.0.

$ cabal install:

Loading package persistent-sqlite- ... linking ... ghc: /home/roberto/.cabal/lib/persistent-sqlite- unknown symbol `__warn_memset_zero_len'

ghc: unable to load package `persistent-sqlite-'

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: mate-0.0.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1

$ yesod devel:

ghc: /home/roberto/.cabal/lib/persistent-sqlite- unknown symbol `__warn_memset_zero_len'

ghc: unable to load package `persistent-sqlite-' Build failure, pausing...

$ ghc-pkg list:


$ cabal install persistent-sqlite --reinstall

In function ‘memset’,

inlined from ‘exprDup’ at cbits/sqlite3.c:68471:0: 

/usr/include/bits/string3.h:82:0: warning: call to ‘__warn_memset_zero_len’ declared with attribute warning: memset used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters

If I comment that line out, __warn_memset_zero_len(); in /usr/include/bits/string3.h:82, everything goes fine. Is there a proper solution, like telling ghc not to stop on a compilation warning?


  • I was asking the same question on FreeNode irc on #ghc-dev and was told that this error happens due to some problems in Template Haskell mechanism that uses GHCi to pre-compile things. This happens exactly when trying to pre-compile SQLite libraries.

    And I was also informed that this should be fixed with the new version of GHC that is about to be released: v7.8.x (but it will still take some time to get it as part of a new Haskell Platform).

    And I am quite surprised that the problem is there for such a long time.