I have been trying to migrate my database to have HSTORE but the extension only works for public SCHEMA when I want to add an HSTORE column in other schemas it does not work
def up
# My hstore looks like this
execute "CREATE EXTENSION hstore SCHEMA public"
# I have also tried
# execute "CREATE EXTENSION hstore"
but when I run my next migration it just doesn't work and if I go to psql console and alter tables I get this:
set search_path to public;
alter table accounts add column extras hstore; -- Works fine
set search_path to schema2;
alter table accounts add column extras hstore; -- Raises an error
I'm using rails 4 Thanks.
You need to refer to your objects in a way that is consistent with your schema naming and search path. For example:
SET search_path TO schema2;
ALTER TABLE accounts ADD COLUMN extras public.hstore;
SET search_path TO public;
ALTER TABLE schema2.accounts ADD COLUMN extras hstore;