I have this problem with an older device that has an android version I still like to support (2.3.5) where the texture sometimes works.
I have 5 textures loaded in memory from the start of the game (does not change and is not reloaded). Everything shows up fine in the tutorial but in the game it does not. The rendering process and object loading are exactly the same and they work perfectly on my newer device (Nexus 4) for all game modes and tutorial.
I load 4 texture of 1024x1024 and 1 texture of 512x512. The textures that are not working properly are the last loaded and bound textures. So it could be a memory issue, but how can I find this out? The OpenGL error function does not show any error during gameplay, even though the textures are not shown correctly.
posting code is an issue due to the complexity of the engine which handles all loading/rendering etc. of the graphics part of the game. Posting all code of my game/engine seems a little bit overkill :s so if some part is needed for solving this issue I will post it.
I am basically out of ideas to try and solve this issue :( does anyone has any idea or suggestion to what I can try, or maybe a solution?
Fixed this (and appearently also my other posted) problem, it was a bug in the driver software of the GPU, the textureunit id was only taking once, more info: http://androidblog.reindustries.com/hack-bad-gpu-fix-not-using-correct-texture-opengl/