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Spring is not stopping when guard exits

I am using guard-rspec with spring in my rails app. When I start guard and run tests, spring starts up fine. But when I exit from guard (by exit command in the console) guard exit, but it leaves spring running:

[1] guard(main)> exit

13:38:55 - INFO - Bye bye...

My guard file:

guard 'rspec', :spring => true do
   watch(%r{^(.*)\.(rb|haml|erb|coffee)$}) { 'spec' }

Any help would be appreciated..thanks in advance.


  • Guard::Rspec doesn't come with some special spring handling and the latest version 4.0 even removes the spring option in favor of the more common and thus flexible cmd option. But since a Guardfile is normal Ruby code, you can use at_exit to stop spring if you like:

    at_exit { `spring stop` }
    guard 'rspec', cmd: 'spring rspec' do
        watch(%r{^(.*)\.(rb|haml|erb|coffee)$}) { 'spec' }