I created a plugin for sublime and I called it "sublimecastling". The main idea is to replace 2 selected fields.
So I'll be glad to know whether it's possible to add it to your Sublime repository in order users could install the plugin via package-control.
The github link is provided below,
If you want to make a plugin available via Package Control, visit the documentation page on the Package Control website and click on Submitting a Package. There are a number of steps, which can be summarized as follows:
Decide how to host - Github? Bitbucket? Your own SSL server?
my own note here: Github is easiest
Run the ChannelRepositoryTools
package in Sublime to make sure everything is OK.
Note: Test your package with both ST2 and ST3 to make sure it works with both versions of Sublime. If you can only support one version due to the language differences between Python 2.6 and 3.3, pick ST3 - it is the future of Sublime, has a very large user base already, and will get you maximum exposure. If you haven't personally upgraded to ST3, now is the time to do so. If you are a registered user—which you should be :)—test with both the public beta and the latest dev build.
Finally, you can submit your pull request.
Be patient, it may take a little while for it to be reviewed, and it is not uncommon at all for changes to be requested. It is by following strict procedures that the community maintains the high quality of the packages available for users.