I want to tail only the updated line of the file not entire content
tail -F /path to file
displays all the line from the file. I need to display only the new lines added to the file can anyone help me in this ?
for e.g. i want to see only updated lines in the file for e.g if file has 10 lines tail -F shows me 10 lines on terminal now if 5 more line are added i should be able to see only new 5 lines not all the 15 lines
EDIT I have configured flume to send the log data to hbase i am using "tail -F /path to file" which gives me the all the lines everytime file is updated.Only updated log data(say 5 lines added) should be sent to hbase otherwise there will be data redundancy.
Regards Chhaya
I assume that file is a log file?
So maybe, instead of trying to come up with a way to remember what was written the last time, and only display what's new, you probably want to use a logging system [like syslogd, or a newer version of it], and tell it to log both in the file AND send it to flume?
Otherwise, here is a dirty hack: create a "shownew.sh" file containing:
#try to be as "atomic" as possible: we will all do with a copy of ${1}, to "freeze" time
cp -p "${1}" "${1}.cur" #very important. "freezes" the state of $1
if [ -f "${1}.old ]; then
diff "${1}.old" "${1}.cur" | grep '^> ' | sed -e 's/^> //'
cat "${1}.cur" #show the file at the time of invocation
mv -f "${1}.cur" "${1}.old" #we just showed "${1}.cur" (or the diff between ${1}.cur and a previous ${1}.old=.
# so we now move that ${1}.cur $^{1}.old, for the next iteration
#We used a ${1}.cur instead of ${1} because ${1} may be updated at any time, and it's possible we copy a "$1" updated since the display of differences! By using ${1}.cur instead, this won't be a problem
#edit: after the OP's comment he wants to tail -f the file too:
#and now we showed the diffs since $1.old, we continue to display what is new in $1, using tail -f:
#since we showed ${1}.cur (now known as ${1}.old}, $1 may have changed?
diff "${1}" "${1}.old" | grep '^> ' | sed -e 's/> //'
#and now we tail -f on $1 to show what's incoming, until the user press ctrl+C
tail -n 0 -f "${1}
#we showed the complete ${1}, this becomes the new ${1}.old
cp "${1}" "${1}.old"
At the first invocation of, say, shownew.sh /some/file
: it displays it's whole content, if it's the first time you called it on /some/file
Each further time you call the script: shownew.sh /some/file
: it will only show lines that are now in "${1}" and that were not before in "${1}.old" ... I hope that's what you wanted ?