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RSA encrypt/decrypt failing in my own implementation in python

I'm doing a work for school in which I've got to implement rsa generating of public/private keys and encryption/decryption of a binary message. I already generate public/private keys but my encrypt/decrypt functions aren't working. I don't get any execution errors but the message I encrypt isn't the same when I decrypt.

My code for encrypting a block:

def encrypt_block(block,block_size,e,n):
    number = int(block,2) #convert to decimal number
    cipher_number = pow(number,e,n) #method for fastest exponentiation number^e mod n
    cipher_size = len(bin(cipher_number)) - 2
    tmp_text = '{0:b}'.format(cipher_number) 
    while(len(tmp_text)<block_size): #add zeros to left to fill until block_size
        tmp_text = "0" + tmp_text
    return tmp_text

My encryption code:

    block_size = len(bin(n-1)) - 2 #size of encrypted blocks
    text_size = block_size - 5 #size of clear text blocks

    tmp_text = "" #variable for holding current block
    encrypted_message = ""

    for i in data:
        if(len(tmp_text)==text_size): #when a block is complete
            tmp_text = encrypt_block('1'+tmp_text,block_size,e,n) #add '1' so I don t loose left zeros
            encrypted_message += tmp_text
            tmp_text = ""
        if(i == '0' or i == '1'): #just precaution so I won t add other characters
            tmp_text += i

    if(tmp_text != ""): # in case last block isnt the clear text size
        tmp_text = encrypt_block('1'+tmp_text,block_size,e,n) #add '1' so I don t loose left zeros
            encrypted_message += tmp_text

    print encrypted_message

And my decryption method:

    block_size = len(bin(n-1)) - 2

    tmp_text = ""
    decrypted_message = ""

    for i in data:
        if(len(tmp_text) == block_size): 
            number = int(tmp_text,2) 
            plain_number = pow(number,d,n) 
            decrypted_message += '{0:b}'.format(plain_number)[1::] #remove the '1' that I added in all blocks to prevent loosing zeros
        if(i == '1' or i == '0'):
            tmp_text += i

    print decrypted_message

So for example if my message is:


I get this encrypted message (with 64 or plus bits for key size):


And when I decrypt I get this:


Does anyone have any idea why this isn't working?


  • I already found the error. I got a problem with my prime generation. But in this code I've got a problem anyway.

    In encryption, I verify if I've got some block to encrypt after my loop finishes. But in decryption I wasn't doing that validation and my last block was never decrypted. I could put the

    if(i == '1' or i == '0'):
        tmp_text += i

    In the beginning of my for or I'll just put an if in the end so I won't lose my last block.