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Black strip on top despite statusBarHidden

There is a black strip, of the same frame as the status bar on the top of the screen despite setting the status bar hidden, using :

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide];

The StatusBarhides without any hiccups. But the black strip is persistent. It is causing my view to be resized, which is supposed to be fullscreen.

I have tried setting wantsFullScreenLayout to YES, in vain.

Is there a way to hide it, or set it's alpha ?

I do NOT use any XIBs. I do everything programmatically only, so I cannot change any properties in the XIB.

To go in a bit of detail, I have a UINavigationController with a rootViewcontroller. The user taps an image, and I push MWPhotoBrowser on it, which can further push other viewControllers like this:

rootViewController -> photoBrowser -> otherViewControllers -> ...

-> = PUSH operation

If any other details are needed, please tell me.

Thank you.


  • Turns out a view in the view hierarchy was not resized appropriately.