Search code examples

how to fetch multiple record by stored procedure

   t.Sno, t.childid,
   (select customername as n from customerprofile c where c.cusid = t.childid) as name,t.earnedmoney as commission,
   (select p.bookingamt from propertyregistration p, customerprofile c where p.applicationno = c.applicationno and c.cusid = t.childid) as bookingamt,
   (select p.totalarea from propertyregistration p, customerprofile c where p.applicationno = c.applicationno and c.cusid = t.childid) as totalarea ,
   (select childid from tbl_level where parentid = t.childid) as child
   tbl_level t 
   parentid = @id 

This is procedure where

(select childid from tbl_level where parentid = t.childid) as child 

If there is single record its easily fetching

Of there are multiple records, it's throwing an error that subquery returned more than one value

Please help me how retrieve multiple records


  • Try this:

    SELECT t.Sno, t.childid, c.customername AS NAME, t.earnedmoney AS commission, 
           p.bookingamt AS bookingamt, p.totalarea AS totalarea, 
           MAX(STUFF(A.childid, 1, 1, '')) AS childs
    FROM tbl_level t 
    LEFT JOIN customerprofile c ON c.cusid = t.childid
    LEFT JOIN propertyregistration p ON p.applicationno = c.applicationno 
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT ' ' + t1.childid FROM tbl_level t1 WHERE t1.parentid = t.childid FOR XML PATH('')) AS A (childid)
    WHERE parentid = @id 
    GROUP BY t.Sno, t.childid, c.customername, t.earnedmoney, p.bookingamt, p.totalarea

    To fetch customer name from all child ids:

    SELECT t.Sno, t.childid, c.customername AS NAME, t.earnedmoney AS commission, 
           p.bookingamt AS bookingamt, p.totalarea AS totalarea, 
           MAX(STUFF(A.customerNames, 1, 1, '')) AS childs
    FROM tbl_level t 
    LEFT JOIN customerprofile c ON c.cusid = t.childid
    LEFT JOIN propertyregistration p ON p.applicationno = c.applicationno 
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT ',' + c1.customername 
                FROM tbl_level t1 
                INNER JOIN customerprofile c1 ON c1.cusid = t1.childid
                WHERE t1.parentid = t.childid 
                FOR XML PATH('')
               ) AS A (customerNames)
    WHERE parentid = @id 
    GROUP BY t.Sno, t.childid, c.customername, t.earnedmoney, p.bookingamt, p.totalarea