Search code examples

Pattern matching on many columns from db in Play

I have the following sql query to a db in a Play 2.2 app:

SQL("SELECT, t.field1, t.field2 from table1 t WHERE t.field1 = {param1}")
   .on("param1" -> param1)()
   .map {
       case ???

This request can return:

  1. no records
  2. record(s) but field2 is NULL
  3. record(s) where field2 is NOT NULL

How do I handle these cases? I only know how to handle a single column:

.map {
  case Row(field1: Option[String]) => field1


  • Use a row parser, documented here:

    For example:

    val results: List[(Int, Int, String)] = 
      SQL("SELECT, t.field1, t.field2 from table1 t WHERE t.field1 = {param1}")
        .on("param1" -> param1)()
        .as(int("") ~ int("t.field1") ~ get[Option[String]]("t.field2") map(flatten) *)