I've created a simple application, which contain: - Main form - Main menu - Action list
Action list consists of three actions: one standard - exit, and two specific - 1. connect to database and 2. billing.
In order to prevent billing action before connecting to database I made property "enabled" for billing = false.
Connect action event (OnExecute) I linked to this procedure:
procedure TForm1.ConnectActionExecute(Sender: TObject);
ConnectAction.Enabled := false;
BillingAction.Enabled := true;
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'DB Status: Connected';
But after firing this action ConnectAction became disabled, but BillingAction continue to stay disabled. Please point where is my fault?
Do you have an OnExecute event wired to the BillingAction? It is standard behaviour to disable actions with no OnExecute event.
Update: You can control this with the DisableIfNoHandler
property of the action.