I have a table table1
id: Int
externalId: Int
value: String
For a given externalId
can be NULL
or it might not exist at all. I want to return a tuple depending on this condition:
("notExists", Nil)
then return ("existsButNull", Nil)
then return ("existsWithValue", ???)
where ???
should be a list of value
for all records with the given externalId
. I tried to do this:
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("SELECT value from table1 WHERE externalId = 333")
.map { case Row(value: Option[String]) => value }
} match {
case Some(x) #:: xs =>
("existsWithValue", ???)
case None #::xs => ("existsButNull", Nil)
case Stream.empty => ("notExists", Nil)
Note that if value exists and is not NULL
and if there are more than 1 record of it then value
can't be NULL
. For example, this situation is NOT possible
1 123 "Value1"
2 123 "Value2"
3 123 NULL -- NOT possible
4 123 "Value4"
It has to do with pattern matching of Stream
+ Option
but I can't figure out how to do this.
Pattern matching on a stream is probably not a good idea, I'm assuming the number of elements being returned is small enough to fit into memory? You would only work with a stream if it's likely that the elements won't fit in memory, otherwise it's much easier to convert the stream to a list, and then work with the list:
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("SELECT value from table1 WHERE externalId = 333")
.map { case Row(value: Option[String]) => value }
} match {
case Nil => ("notExists", Nil)
case List(None) => ("existsButNull", Nil)
case xs => ("existsWithValue", xs.flatMap(_.toList))