Consider the following code:
QMultiHash<int, Tag*>::iterator i = th.begin(); while(i != th.end()) {
int key = i.key();
Value* val = i.value();
if(key == lastkey) {
// Do something
else {
// Do Something else
Is the assumption that the entries with the same keys are returned consecutively by the iterator?
Thank you in advance.
Is the assumption that the entries with the same keys are returned consecutively by the iterator?
Yes. See the code below demonstrating this.
#include <QMultiHash>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
int main()
QMultiHash<QString, int> stringIntMultiHash;
stringIntMultiHash.insert("foo", 2);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("bar", 5);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("oo", 0);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("bar", 132);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("baz", 2131);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("foo", 10);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("stuff", 20);
stringIntMultiHash.insert("baz", 30);
for (QMultiHash<QString, int>::iterator i = stringIntMultiHash.begin(); i != stringIntMultiHash.end(); ++i)
qDebug() << "Key:" << i.key() << "Value:" << i.value();
g++ -Wall -fPIC -lQt5Core -I/usr/include/qt/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt main.cpp && ./a.out
Key: "bar" Value: 132
Key: "bar" Value: 5
Key: "stuff" Value: 20
Key: "foo" Value: 10
Key: "foo" Value: 2
Key: "baz" Value: 30
Key: "baz" Value: 2131
Key: "oo" Value: 0