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Add multiple values to an already existing hash

I have the following hash, and I want to add more values to it; however, doing it replaces the entire hash. I'm pretty sure this is a basic level question, but perl is an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

my %myNewHash = ();

%myNewHash = (
    lastName => $primaryInfo->{lastName},
    firstName => $primaryInfo->{firstName}

%myNewHash = (
    email => $primaryInfo->{email},
    phone => $primaryInfo->{phone}

At this point, %myNewHash only contains email/phone, lastName/firstName have been wiped out.


  • Existing hash (note that you don't need create an empty hash before assigning to it):

    my %myNewHash = (
        lastName => $primaryInfo->{lastName},
        firstName => $primaryInfo->{firstName}

    Since you're using the same keys in the new and the old hashes:

    $myNewHash{$_} = $primaryInfo->{$_} for qw(email phone);

    Or with a hash slice:

    my @keys = qw(email phone);
    @myNewHash{@keys} = @{ $primaryInfo }{@keys};

    The key (pun intended) is that you assign to an individual element

    $hash{key} = ...

    instead of to the hash itself

    %hash = ( ... );