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Android: String set preference is not persistent

I have a problem with storing string set preference. I have these utility methods for storing:

public static void putStringSet(SharedPreferences pref, Editor e, String key, Set<String> set)
    if (Utils.isApiLevelGreaterThanGingerbread())
        // e.remove(key); // I tried to remove it here
        e.putStringSet(key, set);
        // removes old occurences of key
        for (String k : pref.getAll().keySet())
            if (k.startsWith(key))

        int i = 0;
        for (String value : set)
            e.putString(key + i++, value);

public static Set<String> getStringSet(SharedPreferences pref, String key, Set<String> defaultValue)
    if (Utils.isApiLevelGreaterThanGingerbread())
        return pref.getStringSet(key, defaultValue);
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

        int i = 0;

        Set<String> keySet = pref.getAll().keySet();
        while (keySet.contains(key + i))
            set.add(pref.getString(key + i, ""));

        if (set.isEmpty())
            return defaultValue;
            return set;

I use these methods to be backward compatible with GB. But I have a problem that using putStringSet method isn't persistent for API > gingerbread. It is persistent while app is runing. But it dissapears after restart. I will describe the steps:

  1. Clean install of application - there is no preference with key X
  2. I store string set A with key X - preference contains A
  3. I store string set B with key X - preference contains B
  4. Close app
  5. Restart of app - preference contains A
  6. I store string set C with key X - preference contains C
  7. Close app
  8. Restart of app - preference contains A

So only the first value is persistent and I cannot overwrite it.

Other notes:

  1. this methods just replaces putStringSet and getStringSet. So I use commit()...but elsewhere (see example below).
  2. I tried to replace commit() with apply() - no success
  3. When I use code for older APIs in newer APIs (I commented first 4 lines in both methods) it works flawlessly but it isn't so efficient

Example of use:

Editor e = mPref.edit();
PreferencesUtils.putStringSet(mPref, e, GlobalPreferences.INCLUDED_DIRECTORIES, dirs);

Thnak you very much for help.


  • This has a ridiculous amount of duplicates - I bet that you do :

    set = prefs.getStringSet("X", new HashSet<String>());
    set.add("yada yada");
    prefs.putStringSet("X", set);

    In short android sees that set and the one inside refer to the same set and does nothing. Correct ?

    See: Misbehavior when trying to store a string set using SharedPreferences