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Android 4.4 Virtual Device Internal Storage Will Not Resize

When creating a new Android 4.4 Virtual Device using the AVD Manager, I cannot get the internal storage to be anything larger than 200MB.

512MB is the internal storage size I would like to set.

I've tried:

  • Setting the internal storage of the device in the AVD Manager to 512MB.
  • In Eclipse project Debug Configurations, under the Target tab, setting Additional Emulator Command Line Options to -partition-size 512.
  • In the Eclipse Preferences, under Android, I set the Default emulator options to -partition-size 512.
  • Editing the config file for my virtual device under (User)/.android/avd/(device).avd/config.ini
    • Then setting disk.dataPartition.size to disk.dataPartition.size=512M
    • Also tried setting it to disk.dataPartition.size=512MB
    • Also tried setting it to data.dataPartition.size=512M

This happens on both ARM and Intel Atom x86 CPUs.

Now when I switch over to Android 3.0 (ARM), I can resize it simply using the AVD Manager to my hearts content. Is there an issue with Android 4.4? Is there something I missed? Or a possible work around?


  • Now that the emulator file system is ext4 I was able to re-size the userdata.img using standard Linux tools.

    # Navigate to AVD
    cd ~/.android/avd/Nexus5
    # Delete old image
    rm userdata-qemu.*
    # Re-size the image
    resize2fs userdata.img 512M
    # Start the emulator and enjoy
    emulator @Nexus5

    Edit I was also able to re-size userdata-qemu.img directly but I had to run e2fsck first.

     e2fsck -f userdata-qemu.img
     resize2fs userdata-qemu.img 512M