Any idea on how to save an array of unsigned char
to a field in MySQL database ? I'm considering BLOB, but how can I convert it to QByteArray
and convert it back to an array of unsigned char
when I want to ? BTW, I'm trying to save fingerprint data.
I managed to solve this using the codes below (copied directly from my project)
struct fp {
unsigned char Template[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE];
int size;
// unsigned char to QByteArray QByteArray FingerPrint::charArrayToByteArray(fp fp0) { QByteArray ba; for (int i=0; i
// QByteArray to unsigned char fp FingerPrint::byteToFp(QByteArray *ba) { fp fp0; for (int i=0; isize(); i++) { fp0.Template[i] = ba->at(i); } fp0.size = ba->size(); return fp0; }