I have a simple model with sequence as a attribute as integer. When I am setting sequence as 1 it fail the simple test case ie:
context 'MathFactAttemptData' do
it 'should insert rows' do
math_fact_attempt_data = FactoryGirl.build :math_fact_attempt_data
@params[:request_params] = {
user_data: {
math_fact_attempt_data: [JSON.parse(math_fact_attempt_data.to_json)]
initial_math_fact_attempt_data_count = MathFactAttemptData.unscoped.count
post api_v3_user_data_path, @params
response.should be_success
response_body = JSON.parse response.body
response_body['user_data'].should be_nil
response_body['seed_data'].should be_nil
MathFactAttemptData.unscoped.count.should == initial_math_fact_attempt_data_count + 1
factory :math_fact_attempt_data do
association :user, factory: :student
association :math_fact_attempt, factory: :math_fact_attempt
association :problem_type, factory: :problem_type
num1 1
num2 1
correct_answer 1
response 1
correct 1
#sequence 1
time_spent 1
choice_type "MyString"
selected_operator "MyString"
Uncommenting sequence fails the test case with issue ie:
API v3 POST /user_data.json Entities MathFactAttemptData should insert rows
Failure/Error: math_fact_attempt_data = FactoryGirl.build :math_fact_attempt_data
undefined method `to_sym' for 1:Fixnum
# ./spec/requests/api/v3/post_user_data_spec.rb:1116:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 3.7 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/requests/api/v3/post_user_data_spec.rb:1115 # API v3 POST /user_data.json Entities MathFactAttemptData should insert rows
As Peter pointed out, sequence
is a FactoryGirl method.
Try this for setting the sequence attribute:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :math_fact_attempt_data do
add_attribute :sequence, 1