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Need to Display the Data like Below format using SQL Server 2008

If I join two tables I will get the below table

SELECT a.Category, a.categoryid, b.parentid,b.Level
FROM a JOIN b ONa.CatId=b.Catid

Actual Data:-

  Category               Catid         ParentID      Level
  Pumps & Accss             20               0           0                                            
  Inground Pumps           213               20          1
  Above Ground             215               20          1                                              
  Commercial Pumps         216               20          1 
  Hawrd super pumps        814               213         2 
  Hywrd north pumps        815               213         2

This is an example one using cursor I have to apply like this for all Category Id's...

I need to display this data like this:

  Cat1               Cat2           Cat3             ItemNo
  Pumps & Accss      Above Ground   Hawrd super      AX007123 
  Pumps & Accss      Above Ground   Hywrd north      AX0071201 
  Pumps & Accss      Commercial Pu  Hawrd super      AX007754  
  Pumps & Accss      Commercial Pu  Hawrd super      AX0077891 
  Pumps & Accss      Inground Pumps Hywrd north      AX0071251

Level 1 in Cat1 column and Level2 in Cat2 column like this i

need to get the output. like this I have 10 levels kindly post some good answer to resolve this.


  • check this... you can use multiple time the same table to build a multi level join

    declare @category table(categoryId int, category char(100), principalId int)
    declare @article table(articleId int, article varchar(100), categoryId int)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (1,'One', null)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (2,'two', null)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (11,'eleven', 1)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (21,'twenty one', 2)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (22,'twenty two', 2)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (111,'one hundred eleven', 11)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (211,'two hundred eleven', 21)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (221,'two hundred twenty one', 22)
    insert into @category(categoryId, category, principalId)
    values (2211,'two thousand two hundred twenty one', 221)
    insert into @article(articleId, article, categoryId)
    values (1, 'Article 1', 111)
    insert into @article(articleId, article, categoryId)
    values (2, 'Article 2', 211)
    insert into @article(articleId, article, categoryId)
    values (3, 'Article 3', 221)
    insert into @article(articleId, article, categoryId)
    values (4, 'Article 4', 2211)
    select coalesce(c5.category,'') c5,
        coalesce(c4.category,'') c4,
        coalesce(c3.category,'') c3,
        coalesce(c2.category,'') c2,
        coalesce(c1.category,'') c1,
    from @article a
        left join @category c1 on c1.categoryId = a.categoryId
        left join @category c2 on c2.categoryId = c1.principalId
        left join @category c3 on c3.categoryId = c2.principalId
        left join @category c4 on c4.categoryId = c3.principalId
        left join @category c5 on c5.categoryId = c4.principalId

    if you share the tables definition it helps to improve my answer, hope it help yo to point in the right direction