I'm trying to detect concentric circles in an image of a paper target using AForge.NET.
I can clean up the image using Threshold(88) or Edges, but can't work out how to detect the circles.
Original image size = 450 x 479 px
Steps so far:
- convert image to greyscale
- use Edge to find circles (Threshold(88) also works)
- Run HoughTransform with radius of = 100, output using 'ToBitmap'
- Count the circles found (I get 69750 circles detected)
- Draw the 20 most intensive circles
I don't have a background in image processing; any guidance very much appreciated.

The Solution, in this case, was not to use a Hough Transform at all.
- I used a threshold and blob detection to find the outer circle which gave me the centre.
- Then an horizontal-intensity histogram to find the peaks that correlate with each ring
- Then compare this against the peaks from a vertical-intensity histogram, to get the radius of each ring
- Then some sanity checking.
I haven't got the peak detection working yet, but it's in progress and it all looks like working.