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How can I sort the sidebar alphabetically in sublime (ST2)?

I see no option to sort the sidebar in Sublime, how can I do it? I'd like to sort it alphabetically.


  • I have found this answer

    If you sort the tabs, it sorts the sidebar, and this sorts the tabs

    I amended the classname though not to anything better. the classname was probably better before.

    { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+b"], "command": "sorttsortsidebar" }

    import sublime_plugin
    from os import path
    from operator import itemgetter
    # A simple command to sort current tabs alphabetically (returning focus to the 
    # original tab).
    # Does not work with different groups or windows. Not catered for unsaved views 
    # (although it seems to work okay if there are any). It could be modified to 
    # work in these circumstances.
    #   { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+b"], "command": "sort_tabs" },
    class SorttsortsidebarCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
       def run(self):
          file_views = []
          win = self.window
          curr_view = win.active_view()
          for vw in win.views():
             _, tail = path.split(vw.file_name() or path.sep)
             group, _ = win.get_view_index(vw)
             file_views.append((tail.lower(), vw, group))
          file_views.sort(key = itemgetter(2, 0))
          moving_index = 0
          for index, (_, vw, group) in enumerate(file_views):
             if index == 0 or group > prev_group:
                moving_index = 0
                prev_group = group
                moving_index += 1
             win.set_view_index(vw, group, moving_index)