I have a routine which reads in an image, resizes it and positions it on a new background (brand new bitmap, just the size is set).
This all works absolutely perfectly, but now I would like to reduce the size of the PNG files it outputs - if I output JPEG files, I get the ~4K or so file size I expect, but my PNG files are more than 30K in size.
I know that I will never get to JPEG levels with PNG, but I think I can do a bit better.
When I load the outputted PNGs into Fireworks, I note that the background and the resized image are still seperate layers. Flattening the PNG in Fireworks reduces the filesize by a good 5 to 10K.
So, firstly is there a way to programmatically flatten the PNG on output?
Secondly, is there anything else anyone can recommend to reduce the PNG size?
I am using PNG files, because I wish to retain the background as transparent.
private static void ResizeImage(String ImageInPath, int MaxWidth, int MaxHeight, String ImageOutPath, Boolean PadImage, Color MyColour)
Bitmap MyImage = new Bitmap(ImageInPath);
Bitmap MyResizedImage = null;
int XPosition = 0;
int YPosition = 0;
float Ratio = MyImage.Width / (float)MyImage.Height;
int MyImageHeight = MyImage.Height;
int MyImageWidth = MyImage.Width;
if (MyImage.Width > MyImage.Height)
if (MyImage.Width > MaxWidth)
MyResizedImage = new Bitmap(MyImage, new Size(MaxWidth, (int)Math.Round(MaxWidth /
Ratio, 0)));
YPosition = (MaxHeight / 2) - (MyResizedImage.Height / 2);
else if (MyImage.Height > MyImage.Width)
if (MyImage.Height > MaxHeight)
MyResizedImage = new Bitmap(MyImage, new Size((int)Math.Round(MaxWidth * Ratio,
0), MaxHeight));
XPosition = (MaxWidth / 2) - (MyResizedImage.Width / 2);
if (PadImage)
Bitmap MyUnderlay = new Bitmap(MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
var Canvas = Graphics.FromImage(MyUnderlay);
Canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
Canvas.DrawImage(MyResizedImage, XPosition, YPosition);
if (MyColour == Color.Transparent)
MyUnderlay.Save(ImageOutPath + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
MyUnderlay.Save(ImageOutPath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
MyResizedImage.Save(ImageOutPath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
The Super User answer, How to read Fireworks PNG multilayer files without Fireworks, explains that Fireworks has PNG extensions to store multiple layers in a PNG file. Flattening removes the extra layers. Given that the files were not created in Fireworks in the first place, in theory "flattening" should have no effect on them. I suspect the reduction in size is due to Firework's save-optimize the PNG file.
The tools I use for PNG optimization are:
If you are interested in optimizing PNG files, the PNG specification is surprisingly straightforward, and it is worth taking a look at Smallest possible transparent PNG. Like the specification, implementations are also surprisingly simple, take for example, the single file, pure Python implementation png.py (pypng).