I am using Dojo 1.6 to generate dynamic Chart. Here i need to put the Numeric percentage(%) outside the respective slice of chart, as i got the following pie chart.
code for the above chart..
url :"/ritl/chart/getModelPieDataForAll.htm",
handleAs : "json",
load : function(response, ioargs) {
"dojo/domReady!" ],
function(Chart, theme, Pie, Tooltip, MoveSlice,Legend) {
var chart = new Chart("chartForModel",{
title: "Model Pie Chart",
titlePos: "bottom",
titleGap: 25,
titleFont: "normal normal normal 15pt Arial",
titleFontColor: "black"
chart.addPlot("default", {
type : Pie,
markers : true,
radius : 100
chart.addAxis("y", {min : 100, max : 10000, vertical : true, fixLower : "major", fixUpper : "major"});
chart.addSeries("Sales Product - 2013", response.data);
new dojox.charting.widget.Legend({
chart : chart,
horizontal : true
}, "legend1");
error : function(response, ioargs) {console.log("Inside Handle Error");
Add labelOffset: to chart.addPlot.
For example chart.addPlot("default", {
type : Pie,
markers : true, labelOffset: -17, radius : 100