I'm migrating an application to work with PHP 5.5, and I need to remove the /e character from the preg_replace function, to do that I'm using preg_replace_callback()
My actual function looks like this:
preg_replace ( '#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#Ssie' , '( ( isset($array[\'\1\']) ) ? $array[\'\1\'] : \'\' );' , $template );
$template contains a html document with tags like this one: {user_name}
and $array contains
$array['user_name'] = 'The user';
I've been trying to convert this to work with PHP 5.5 with not success.
This is what I did so far:
return preg_replace_callback ( '#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#Ssi' , function ( $array ) {
return ( ( isset ( $array[1] ) ) ? $array[1] : '' );
} , $template );
But It's not working. The tags closed in braces are not being replaced.
What Am I missing?
You need to use the use
keyword to pull in $array
into your anonymous function...
return preg_replace_callback ( '#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#Ssi' , function ($matches) use ($array) {
return ( ( isset ( $array[$matches[1]] ) ) ? $array[$matches[1]] : '' );
} , $template );