In a dialog, I have a table-widget and multiple line edits. The user clicks the mouse in one of the line-edits, and then double-clicks on an item in the table-widget. In the double-click slot (self.myfunct
), how do I determine which line-edit had the cursor, so I can set that table-item name in the right line-edit?
self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *)'), self.myfunct)
Some wrappers are present over PyQt4 so I can't paste the code directly.
You can achieve what you want by keeping a reference to the last QLineEdit
selected. Initialize self.current_line_edit
to your first QLineEdit
, then connect the editingFinished
signal of each QLineEdit
to your custom slot.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.current_line_edit = self.line_edit_1
def onChange(self):
self.current_line_edit = self.sender()
def onDoubleClick(self, item):