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in Dart, using Mirrors, how would you call a class's static method from an instance of the class?

if I have an instance, and I know the instance's class contains a static method named statFn(), how do I call statFn() from the instance?

for example,

abstract class Junk {
class Hamburger extends Junk {
  static bool get lettuce => true;
class HotDog extends Junk {
  static bool get lettuce => false;

Junk food; // either Hamburger or Hotdog

// how do you get lettuce of food's type?


  • This should get you started. findStaticAndInvoke() looks at the class of the provided object and it's subclasses for the static method or getter and invokes it when found.

    library x;
    import 'dart:mirrors';
    abstract class Junk {
      static void doSomething() {
    class Hamburger extends Junk {
      static bool get lettuce => true;
    class HotDog extends Junk {
      static bool get lettuce => false;
    Junk food; // either Hamburger or Hotdog
    void main(List<String> args) {
      Junk food = new HotDog();
      findStaticAndInvoke(food, "doSomething");
      findStaticAndInvoke(food, "lettuce");
      food = new Hamburger();
      findStaticAndInvoke(food, "doSomething");
      findStaticAndInvoke(food, "lettuce");
    void findStaticAndInvoke(o, String name) {
      ClassMirror r = reflect(o).type;
      MethodMirror sFn;
      var s = new Symbol(name);
      while (sFn == null && r != null) {
        sFn = r.staticMembers[s];
        if(sFn != null) {
        r = r.superclass;
      if(sFn != null) {
        if(sFn.isGetter) {
        else {
          r.invoke(s, []);