Hello I am working on XmlDocument retrieval
part of my document is
<Product ID="102166">
I want to select single product node from document whose itemcode inner text contains given string
e.g If I give 8901786409990 as input output should be its parent i.e. Product with ID 102166
I have tried following with no success
string ItemCode="8901786409990 ";
XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("/*/b:Product[contains(b:Barcode,'" + Itemcode1 + "')");
It throws exception '/*/b:Product[contains(b:,'8901786409990')'
has an invalid token.
Any Help?
You are missing a close bracket:
string ItemCode="8901786409990 ";
XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("/*/b:Product[contains(b:Barcode,'" + Itemcode1 + "')]");
See the extra bracket here: