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Add class to specific image in a slider caroufredsel

I've a slider which having 6 images and that shows only 3 images at a time using caroufredsel jquery. I need to add border to the middle slider image (using class). How can I do this?

My code is,

            width: '100%',
            auto: true,
            items: {
                visible: 3,
                start: -1,

            swipe: {
                onMouse: true,
                onTouch: true
            scroll: {
                items: 1,
                duration: 1000,
                timeoutDuration: 3000


            prev: '#WorkPrev',
            next: '#WorkNext'

html is,

  <div class="galleryWrap">
        <div id="gallery">
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img1.jpg"/></div>
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img2.jpg"/></div>
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img3.jpg"/></div>
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img4.jpg"/></div>
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img5.jpg"/></div>
            <div class="galleryImage"> <img src="img/slider2img6.jpg"/></div>

Help me. Thanks for advance


  • You can do it using the carouFredSel callback functions

    adding border directly

            // your all other properties come here
            auto: {
                onBefore : function( data ) {
                    var vis_elements;
                    vis_elements  = $("#gallery").triggerHandler("configuration", "items.visible");
                    var mid_element =  Math.floor(vis_elements/2);
                    $.each(data.items.visible, function () { $(this).css({'border': ''})});
                    data.items.visible.eq(mid_element).css({'border': '1px solid'});

    or you can also add css class to the element

    auto: {
                    onBefore : function( data ) {
                        var vis_elements;
                        vis_elements  = $("#gallery").triggerHandler("configuration", "items.visible");
                        var mid_element =  Math.floor(vis_elements/2);
                        $.each(data.items.visible, function () { 
                          // remove class from all other elements
                          $(this).removeClass("your class"); // your class comes here
                        // add your class here
                        data.items.visible.eq(mid_element).addClass("your class");

    Check the