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Rsynch and SSH: Only rename folder when renamed from source

I have been reading the rsync documentation for a few hours, but I can't figure out how to convey to rsync how to only rename (and not re-upload folder and it's content) destination folders when they are renamed at the source.

I'm connecting to the destination with SSH, and the local folder is the source -- and the remote server is the destination. If I rename a folder containing files, rsync automatically re-uploads all the content of the source folder. I'm not using the rsync's server part, maybe it will works if were to do that ?

I have encountered the same behavior with lftp, and this tool doesn't seem's to have these options. Even if it is based on the file's date rule, files inside the renamed folder are removed/re-uploaded.

Thanks in advance if someone knows how to manage this :)


  • How would rsync or any other program know what constitutes renamed? What if two directories are very similar candidates and somehow rsync guesses maybe either one could be a rename of what went before? It's not possible. I think you're stuck with uploading everything again.

    You know about the --delete option, right:

    --delete delete files that don't exist on the sending side

    Note also the --force option:

    --force force deletion of directories even if not empty