How can we make action bar and action bar tabs pure white. I am using android-support-v7-appcompat libs to support backward compatibility. style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar
gives pure black but style/Theme.AppCompat.Light
does not give pure white.
There is no default theme that would give a white action bar. You will need to make a customized action bar for your app.
The developer docs has a good article about customizing the action bar.
These are the custom styles that you will need to alter.
See the android:background tag where you can set a drawable for the action bar.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- the theme applied to the application or activity --> <style name="CustomActionBarTheme" parent="@style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar"> <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBar</item> </style> <!-- ActionBar styles --> <style name="MyActionBar" parent="@style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.Solid.Inverse"> <item name="android:background">@drawable/actionbar_background</item> </style> </resources>
Apply the theme to your app.
<application android:theme="@style/CustomActionBarTheme" ... />