This is more like a code design question. what are good default values for optional options that are of type string/directory/fullname of files?
Let us say I have code like this:
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-i', '--in_dir', action = "store", default = 'n', help = 'this is an optional arg')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
Then I do:
if options.in_dir == 'n':
print 'the user did not pass any value for the in_dir option'
print 'the user in_dir=%s' %(options.in_dir)
Basically I want to have default values that mean the user did not input such option versus the actual value. Using 'n' was arbitrary, is there a better recommendation?
You could use an empty string, ""
, which Python interprets as being False
; you can simply test:
if options.in_dir:
# argument supplied
# still empty, no arg
Alternatively, use None
if options.in_dir is None:
# no arg
# arg supplied
Note that the latter is, per the documentation the default for un-supplied arguments.