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Create compiled Expession.Lambda for types known only at runtime

I am attempting to create an extension method which generates and stores compiled Lambda Expressions for, and returns an instance of, a type of the form Class of generic type T where both Class and T are only known at runtime (driven by user selection).

I am struggling to work out the correct syntax as I am new to Expression Trees.

The "makeGenericExpression" below gives the following error when run

"Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance."

But it's entirely possible that makeGenericLambda is also flawed (I just haven't got to it yet)

Here's what I have so far (I'm using C#4.0)

public static class TypeXtensions
    public static object GetGenericInstance<TArg>(this Type type, TArg argument)
        return InstanceCreationFactory<TArg>
            .CreateGenericInstanceOf(type, argument);

    private static class InstanceCreationFactory<TArg>
        private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<TArg, object>> GenericInstanceCreationMethods =
            new Dictionary<Type, Func<TArg, object>>();

        public static object CreateGenericInstanceOf(Type type, TArg arg)

            return GenericInstanceCreationMethods[type].Invoke(arg);

        private static void CacheGenericInstanceCreationMethodIfRequired(Type type)
            if (GenericInstanceCreationMethods.ContainsKey(type)) return;

            var makeGenericMI = type.GetType().GetMethod("MakeGenericType");
            var paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof (TArg), "argument");

            var makeGenericExpression = Expression.Call(makeGenericMI, paramExpression);

            // Compile the Expression into a Func which takes the type argument and returns the constructed object:
            var makeGenericLambda = Expression
                .Lambda<Func<TArg, object>>(makeGenericExpression)

            GenericInstanceCreationMethods[type] = makeGenericLambda;



For completeness, the call I am using looks like this

    private void InputDataChanged(object sender, InputConnector<IndicatorStrategy>.InputDataChangedEventArgs e)
        var baseType = e.Payload.GetType().BaseType;
        if (baseType == null) return;
        var arg = baseType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
        var test = typeof (ComplexIndicatorDataGenerator<>).GetGenericInstance(arg);


  • If I understand correctly what you want, you have two Types, let's call them T1<> and T2 and you want to create an instance of the type T1<T2>.

    For that, you don't need any expression trees, just call MakeGenericType() directly and then use Activator.CreateInstance():

    public static object CreateGenericInstance(
        Type genericTypeDefinition, Type genericParameter)
        var genericType = genericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(genericParameter);
        return Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);

    If Activator.CreateInstance() is too slow for you (and you should measure that it actually is too slow), then you could replace it with cached lambdas:

    Dictionary<Tuple<Type, Type>, Func<object>> instanceCreatorCache
        = new  Dictionary<Tuple<Type, Type>, Func<object>>();
    object CreateGenericInstance(Type genericTypeDefinition, Type genericParameter)
        Func<object> instanceCreator;
        var cacheKey = Tuple.Create(genericTypeDefinition, genericParameter);
        if (!instanceCreatorCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out instanceCreator))
            var genericType = genericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(genericParameter);
            instanceCreator = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(
            instanceCreatorCache[cacheKey] = instanceCreator;
        return instanceCreator();

    I decided to also avoid the call to MakeGenericType() when the type is already in cache, but I have no idea whether that would actually improve performance.