I looked everywhere for this and couldn't find, I'm using Android DownloadManager, during a file download I'm disabling the WIFI and Mobile data so there is no internet connection, The downloadmanager goes into Status: STATUS_PAUSED and reason: PAUSED_WAITING_FOR_NETWORK,
How many minutes will it wait until it fail? or stop permanently...? I've waited for an hour and it still paused and waiting for network...
From the android documentation : http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/DownloadManager.html
The download manager is a system service that handles long-running HTTP downloads. Clients may request that a URI be downloaded to a particular destination file. The download manager will conduct the download in the background, taking care of HTTP interactions and retrying downloads afterfailures or across connectivity changes and system reboots.
As it is a system service, it depends on the android internals to make a call when to stop it and as your download is already enqueued, it shall try downloading again once restarted, till the staus is either STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or STATUS_FAILED.