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blocking HEAD requests to my site

I am looking at my mvc site and considering blocking the HEAD verb in IIS from accessing the site.

I don't see why such requests are needed or being used at present.

Why would HEAD requests be required on a site?


  • The comment posted above is correct. As far as I know, HEAD request are made by the browser for checking things I need to download this again, is the page still there, etc. Basically, if the browser wants to know about a page without downloading the entire page, it will issue a HEAD request. So, in short, they are not a harmful thing to be happening.

    However, if you want to block these, you can do so in your web.config by using the following syntax (taken from MSDN/IIS)

                <verbs applyToWebDAV="false">
                   <add verb="HEAD" allowed="false" />

    However, I think this is an atypical setup and you may want to test your site for performance /breaks across multiple browsers before turning this on for a production facing site.