Search code examples

Assigning new autoincrement id to returned SQL result in Anorm

Near the bottom, insertedID is an Option[Long] representing the returned id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY from MySQL. I want to populate the field in the question object before returning it to the caller.

def update(question: Question): Question = {
    DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
        val insertedId = SQL(
          replace into question values (
          'id ->,
          'question_text -> question.question_text,
          'date_created -> question.date_created,
          'subject -> question.subject,
          'curriculum -> question.curriculum,
          'year -> question.year,
          'question_type -> question.question_type,
          'optional_image -> question.optional_image,
          'answer_key -> question.answer_key,
          'answer_1 -> question.answer_1,
          'answer_2 -> question.answer_2,
          'answer_3 -> question.answer_3,
          'answer_4 -> question.answer_4,
          'answer_5 -> question.answer_5,
          'keywords -> question.keywords

        // = insertedId  Reassignment to val?




  • Is Question a case class? You probably need to return this instead (as opposed to an instance of the same case class):

    insertedId match {
      case Some(id) => question.copy(id = id)
      case _ => question 