How can salt & pepper noise be added to an image separately depending on the PROBABILITY of salt and pepper. imnoise
would take ONE value for the noise density as a whole and that value is the measure for both salt (white dots) and pepper (black dots). I want to know if we have just to add white (salt) and then black (pepper) noise separately with two different probabilities. What equation would have to be used?
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originalImage = imread('Cameraman.tif');
[rows cols] = size(originalImage);
totalPixels = int32(rows * cols);
subplot(1, 2, 1);
percentage = str2double(cell2mat(inputdlg('Enter the percent noise: ', 'Enter answer', 1, {'2'}))) / 100.;
numberOfNoisePixels = int32(percentage * double(rows) * double(cols));
locations = randi(totalPixels, [numberOfNoisePixels, 1]);
noisyImage = originalImage;
noisyImage(locations) = 255;
subplot(1, 2, 2);
imshow(noisyImage, []);
That does Salt Noise, Pepper noise would be
noisyImage(locations) = 0;
instead of
noisyImage(locations) = 255;