I am trying to build a ActionScript side library for my SIP library Adobe AIR native extension following this blog from Adobe, in FlashDevelop IDE. When I build the project I get the following compile time error:
C:\Users\Osama Mohammed\Documents\AndroidSIPManager\src\in\innovative\androidsipmanager\AndroidSIPManager.as(1): col: 9 Error: Syntax error: expecting identifier before in.
I don't know why am I getting that error, although my syntax is right. I get this error when I write package name after package keyword in any ActionScript 3 project in ActionScript file, Eg. package my.package { ...
, but don't get it when no package name is written after package keyword. Following is my AndroidSIPManager.as code:
package in.innovative.androidsipmanager //getting error here
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
* ...
* @author Osama Mohammed Shaikh
public class AndroidSIPManager extends EventDispatcher
private var extContext:ExtensionContext;
public function AndroidSIPManager(target:IEventDispatcher=null)
extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("in.innovative.SIPLibExtension", "sip");
if (!extContext)
throw new Error("SIP Library extension is not supported on this platform");
public function initialize(enum_transport:int, agent:String, STUNServer:String, STUNServerPort:int):int
return int (extContext.call("initialize", enum_transport, agent, STUNServer, STUNServerPort));
public function setUserInfo(userName:String, displayName:String, authName:String, password:String, localSIPPort:int, userDomain:String, SIPServer:String, SIPServerPort:int, outboundServer:String, outboundServerPort:int):int
return int (extContext.call("setUserInfo", userName, displayName, authName, password, localSIPPort, userDomain, SIPServer, SIPServerPort, outboundServer, outboundServerPort));
public function portSipCall(callee:String, enum_mediaType:int):Number
return Number (extContext.call("portSipCall", callee, enum_mediaType));
Please help me solve the problem.
Problem is that in
is reserved word. This is the reason, why you're able to compile project after removing the package name completely.