Failed to validate ip address in one dict, file API.json is as follows:
"$schema": "",
"title": "test",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {"enum": ["spice", "vnc"]},
"listen": {
"type": "string",
"oneOf": [
{"format": "ipv4"},
{"format": "ipv6"}
"additionalProperties": false
Codes are as follows:
from jsonschema import Draft3Validator, ValidationError, FormatChecker
import json
if __name__ == '__main__':
graphics1 = {'type': 'spice', 'listen': ''}
graphics2 = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': ''}
graphics3 = {'type': 'abc', 'listen': ''}
graphics4 = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': '777.485.999'}
graphics5 = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': 'fe00::0'}
graphics6 = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': 'def'}
graphics7 = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': 'fe00::0abcdefdefs'}
s = json.load(open('API.json'))
validator = Draft3Validator(s, format_checker=FormatChecker())
for x in range(1, 8):
graphics = locals().get('graphics'+str(x))
except ValidationError:
print('; '.join(e.message for e in validator.iter_errors(graphics)))
And the prints are these:
'abc' is not one of [u'spice', u'vnc']
Obviously, '777.485.999' ,'def', and 'fe00::0abcdefdefs' are not ip addresses, but the test script doesn't give warnings about them. I found one doc( which says about 'ip-address', but not 'ipv4', but it doesn't work either.
[EDIT]: I have Added FormatChecker() for Draft3Validator, but it still isn't working. But as i tried, Draft4Validator is ok. In the doc, i don't find Draft3Valdator not supporting format/ip-address anywhere, it should work.
Got it, it's not because Draft3Validator doesn't support "format/ip-address", but "oneOf", "allOf", "anyOf" and "not". So the API.json should be:
"$schema": "",
"title": "test",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {"enum": ["spice", "vnc"]},
"listen": {
"type": "string",
"format": "ip-address"
"additionalProperties": false
See and