I'm still pretty green when it comes to Pharo so apologies in advance for what might well be a pretty dumb question. I've already done a perfunctory google search and checked out this stackoverflow entry which didn't have the answer I need. I'm looking for a ready-made color theme that has a black background. Understand, I'm not just looking to change the wallpaper background color, I want the all the windows, widgets, and window contents (workspace text in particular) to be appropriately modified as well. I'm assuming someone somewhere has already done this, I just don't know where to find it (I can't be the only one who codes at 3am and doesn't like staring at the giant light-bulb that is my monitor!).
Welcome to here, David :).
pharo is still young and fast growing and there are not many themes. So Esteban Lorenzano is working on a dark theme based on InteliJ IDEA, and you can find it here: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~estebanlm/Pharo3DarkTheme, but it will take a long time until it's done.