Search code examples

Looping through API Results from Flickr

I am really struggling to get this working.

I am querying the Flickr API which has returned me a set of arrays and hashes I can loop through to add data to my application.

I have started to write some code to iterate over the API result to create Collections. It keeps failing though and wondered if any of you guys could see if I am going about this the right way or spot what I am doing wrong:

  def self.add_collection(collection)
    puts "Adding collection..."
        :flickr_id    =>  collection['id'],
        :title        =>  collection['title'],
        :description  =>  collection['description']
    puts "Added collection."

  def self.add_all
    tree = Flickr.collections_list
    pp tree
    puts "Got response from Flickr"
    tree.each do |c|
      c[1].each do |c|
        if c["collection"]

My API result is:

               "description"=>"11th-13th May 2008 - (-W)"},
                "August 2005 - (P- T)"},
               "title"=>"Iceland Holiday",
                "5- 2004 - (N-)"}]},
            "title"=>"1 - W-09",
               "title"=>"Day 4 - Gilr-walk",
                "Day 5 - Calif-uth",
               "title"=>"Day 6 - Si-untain",
                "Day 7 - Unive-za",
               "title"=>"Day 8 - Se-Park",
               "title"=>"Day 9 - Lego-Park",
               "title"=>"Day 10 - Kn-re City",
               "title"=>"Day 11 & 12 - Disn-sort",
               "title"=>"Day 13,14 & 15 - La-as",
            "title"=>"2 - Mi-10",
               "title"=>"Day 0 - Arr-rica",
               "title"=>"Day 1 - M-a",
               "title"=>"Day 2 - Adven-n",
               "title"=>"Day 3 - W-un",
               "title"=>"Day 4 - Sil-",
               "title"=>"Day 5 - St-eum",
               "title"=>"Day 6 - Si-uis",
               "title"=>"Day 7 - Ho-rld",
               "title"=>"Day 8 - Indi-ach",
               "title"=>"Day 9 - -ca",
                "Day 10 - Mount O-eads",
               "title"=>"Day 11 - Vall-",
            "title"=>"3 - Intim-010",
                "Day 1 - Gre-n City",
               "title"=>"Day 1 - C-s",
               "title"=>"Day 2 - -d",
               "title"=>"Day 3 - Ran-vities",
               "title"=>"Day 4 - Lo-urg",
               "title"=>"Day 5 - Bu-urg",
               "title"=>"Day 6 - Kin-ion",
            "title"=>"4 - Bes-12",
                "Day 0 - Early -orld Park",
                "Day 1 - Grea-ity",
               "title"=>"Day 2 - Shijin-rk",
                "Day 3 - Happ-rk",
               "title"=>"Day 4 - Victo-g",
               "title"=>"Day 5 - Floral-ark",
               "title"=>"Day 6 - H-du",
               "title"=>"Day -ry",
                "Day 8 - Ha-Park",
                "Day 9 - Sha-ruise",
                "Day 10 - Fisherma-ervatory",
                "Day 11- Gongqin-ark",
               "title"=>"Day 12 - Hap-ark",
               "title"=>"Day 13 - -",
                "Day 14 - G-World",
                "Day 15 - Chi-or",
                "Day 16 - Kn-rld",
               "title"=>"Day 17 - Ha-hen",
               "title"=>"Day 18 - O-eing",
               "title"=>"Day 19 - Dis-ong",
            "title"=>"5 - T-13",
               "title"=>"Day 1 - Tai-ng",
               "title"=>"Day 2 - -",
               "title"=>"Day 3 - J-orld",
                "Day 4 - For-t",
               "title"=>"Day 5-dise",
                "Day 6 - L-na",
            "title"=>"6 - Japan 2013",
               "title"=>"Day 1 - Fli-dium",
               "title"=>"Day 2 - Tok-a",
               "title"=>"Day 3 - Tobu Zoo",
               "title"=>"Day 4 - Uni-an",
               "title"=>"Day 5 - Hira-mple",
               "title"=>"Day 6 - Yo-adise",
               "title"=>"Day 7 - Nag-nd",
               "title"=>"Day 8 - Hok-oro",
               "title"=>"Day 9 - Ru-ort",
               "title"=>"Day 10 - Jo-ea",
               "title"=>"Day 11 - -d",
               "title"=>"Day 12- Tok-kitori",
               "title"=>"Day 13- To-a",
               "title"=>"Day 14 - Tok-ea",
               "title"=>"Day 15 - --ea",
         "title"=>"Days out",
            "title"=>"One off's",
               "description"=>"Sun 29th July 2012 (Neil T, Mandy T)"},
               "title"=>"Blackpool - 8th Jul 2012",
                "(Neil T, MThisS, Ben K)"},
                "Legoland Thisne 2010",
               "title"=>"SkThisl 1)",
               "title"=>"Canal Boating",
                "12th Jul 2003 - (PeThisrk T)"},
                " 29thThiss A)"},
               "title"=>"Go Karting 2012",
               "description"=>" 28th Jan 2012 for Neil's birthday"},
                "SThis A)",
            "title"=>"Theme Parks",
                  "description"=>"(Neil T, Rick M, Jackie DM)"}]},
                   "FebThis P)",
                  "title"=>"Alt-ers - 15th Jul 2012",
                  "description"=>"(N-g A)"},
                  "title"=>"A-n 2012",
                   "(NThis K)"},
                  "description"=>"(Thisl H)"},
                   "Event 2011 - 31st Oct-1st Nov 2011",
                  "title"=>"This 29th-31st Oct 2009",
                   "Behi-l 2006",
                  "title"=>"Day 2010 - 21st Jun 2010",
         "title"=>"Yearly Events",
               "title"=>"Here StThisees",

I really could do with some help on this. I think it's the multi dimensional aspect of the arrays and hashes and how to create something that can loop over it to add the Collections. I need to ignore the sets for now. Sets will be added later.


Been playing around with this trying to slowly figure out what each part of the hash is which and have the following:

  def self.add_all
    tree = Flickr.collections_list['collections']
    puts "Got response from Flickr"
    tree.each do |c|
      c.each do |d|
        ap d.class

When I run that, d.class is returning:

String < Object

Array < Object

Can can I access the Array part so I can continue iterating along as all I get told is I cannot perform .each on a String (which makes sense).

Any ideas?


  • Yeah, that's confusing. What you need to know is

    1. The array of top-level collections is at tree["collections"]["collection"]
    2. Collections are hashes with keys for each property (id, title, description, etc.)
    3. Collections may have a key named collection (not collections) whose value is an array of child collections

    Now, given those guidelines, we can write code to traverse the tree. We call traverse_collection recursively to handle the child collections.

    def traverse_collection(collection)
      Collection.create! :flickr_id => collection["id"],
        :title => collection["title"],
        :description => collection["description"]
      if collection["collection"]
        for child in collection["collection"]
          traverse_collection child
    for collection in Flickr.collections_list["collections"]["collection"]
      traverse_collection collection